
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's a Book

It's a Book
by Lane Smith

It's a Book is 32 pages of tongue-in-cheek style humor. Monkey is reading, yes, reading an actual book, when his friend Jackass wants to know what it is. Jackass is using his laptop and wants to know what else the book can do...does it have a mouse, can it blog, can it Tweet?? No. Monkey keeps extolling that it's just a book, until finally Jackass takes the book, begins reading and won't give it up afterwards. Eh. Monkey will just go to the Library to get more books! Problem solved.

This simple story, loudly proclaiming love for the printed book, kept me giggling all the way through. It's similar to the Pigeon series by Mo Willems in feel, with clean illustrations and a nod to adult humor along the way. It's very much like Shrek where kids will find it funny, but even more so adults. This book is a hoot that I plan to share with everyone I know!

Enjoy this book trailer, straight from MacMillan Children's!

For more info, you can also check these websites:

Full Disclosure: Review copy received from publisher

1 comment:

  1. This was a new book for me. I appreciate your blog insight and links!
