
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cinder Paperback News!!

I have some exciting news that I just had to share... well, exciting for me, anyway.  I read and reviewed Marissa Meyer's CINDER back in February.  I LOVED it, absolutely loved it.

Here's an excerpt from my review:
All in all, this was book was so close to what my perfect reinvisioning of a fairytale could be it was sort of eerie. I wish that we knew a little more of Cinder's story at the end, but I am SO absolutely looking forward to reading more of her journey in the following books. I cannot wait for Scarlet to get here!!

And, while we're waiting for SCARLET to come out in February, the paperback version of CINDER is coming out on January 8th...just in time for me to get a copy with a giftcard...


It's so very exciting!! In addition to the publisher adding the bonus story, Glitches, a Q&A with the author, a reader's guide, *AND* a sneak peek of SCARLET...
They also added this...
A super cool blogger thank-you page!  My blog is actually mentioned right at the top of the foot arch on the right... :)  What a great thing to include all of us in.  
This is just a preview copy they sent to all of us. I can't wait to see it in real life. 

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