
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Books I Already Own Challenge... in 2019?

Books I Already Own Challenge

So, it's been a wild, challenging year trying to read the books I already owned, but hadn't yet read.  As a mood reader this was difficult because it felt very restricting at times and I had to give myself ways to cheat so that I could stick with the overall challenge for the full calendar year.  I haven't done horribly, but I didn't stop myself from buying new books along the way either, so nearing the end of 2018 I find I still have 70 unread books to tackle. 

After much thought, I've decided to continue my personal challenge in 2019... in a modified manner.  I will still be reading specific things for work and I joined in with some friends online to do group reads, so I'll be doing those throughout the year.  I also want to give myself more freedom to read additions to my favorite series without guilt as they are published in 2019, so I'll be reading those, too.

BUT... I spent the evening last night putting every unread book on my shelf's title into a TBR jar.  A What?  LOL. It's a jar where in between all of the things I have to or choose to read because I desperately want to, I will randomly pick the title of a book from my shelves and that will be my next read.  I'm only going to allow myself to put a title back into the jar ONCE a month, in case I really, really am not in the mood for a specific book, otherwise whatever comes out is what I read.  If I find that I have put a title back into the jar more than once (not in the same month), it will get taken off my shelves and donated since I obviously didn't really want to read it. 

Let's see if I can read through my bookshelves in 2019!!